About Zoe

Zoe is a Peruvian-Dutch 20 year old student currently in the second year of the Bachelor's in Design at IE University (Segovia & Madrid, Spain). She has gained expertise in graphic design, animation, product design, and fine arts. In 2019, she initiated the "Un Mundo" project, leveraging the sale of drawings to support tree planting initiatives. She engaged in IB Arts and honed skills through technical mixed media classes at "Corriente Alterna."

Recognized for a distinctive, conceptual style, Zoe has collaborated exclusively with Paula Llosa, owner of Cuelga Arte print shop, where her work is prominently featured. Noteworthy contributions include the design and sale of hoodies under the Un Mundo brand just before the global lockdown.

In parallel with individual endeavors, Zoe collaborates with Dutch painter Gam Klutier, aiding in the sale of his artwork. Professional experiences also extend to an internship at Karim Chaman Boutique, where she managed social media and newsletters, contributing to the promotion of luxury design items from distinguished brands such as Verpan and Baccarat.

Fluent in English and Spanish, and proficient in French, Zoe brings versatile communication skills suitable for engaging with a global audience. Join Zoe on this professional journey, exploring the realms of design, creativity, and the intersection of art and social responsibility.